Monday, October 8, 2012

Parental Note

Accounting for my absence

Dear Readers:
Please accept this note as an excused absence for Adaptive Mama.  She had very important appointments each afternoon and was unable to blog.  She will make up as much work as possible as quickly as she can.


I would like to apologize to all of you for disappearing the last few weeks.  I had a family issue that needed very intense focus from me.  Even though the situation is not completely resolved, I felt the need to “get it back together” and once again start making some progress on my personal goals that I have been sharing here.
I also did not feel that it would be fair to all involved in our family issue to air it so publicly.  I know, me, holding back and being reserved.  Who knew?  Besides, what adult want to look on the internet in 10 years and go, "oh, mom told my business all over cyber space?"

I appreciate all of the comments from everyone, especially those that have missed my ramblings.  Hopefully, I will get back into the blogging groove and be able to post a few times a week.  Please be patient with me as we continue to work through this issue.  I also appreciate all prayers.
This is a pivotal time for our family.  Scott and I are tasked as parents with making decisions that are best for all of us, collectively.  And the very best decision at this time is not affordable and just doesn’t work logistically for us as a family. 

We will continue to pray on the best course of action.  And of course, continue to weave, bob, duck and adapt.  Cause that's what we do.