Monday, April 23, 2018

Weather or Not?

Does the weather get your rheum all in a twist?  I must say between the psycho Georgia weather and pollen, my rheum has been majorly confused and flaring big time.  Having lived in Georgia 98% of my life, I can say without one doubt, the change in weather DOES affect my allergies and rheumatoid disease.

I’ve had doctors and other health care people tell me the weather doesn’t affect rheumatoid and flares at all. My current rheumy agrees that weather changes can cause pain and discomfort.  Per website Everyday Health, weather is one of seven triggers of a flare.

Fellow Rheum sufferer and writer, Ashley Boynes-Shuck has written several books and blog posts about rheum and noted on WebMD that she also experiences flares as the seasons change.  I follow her on twitter and she has a lot of information that is great for new rheum patients.

This past weekend, I wanted to replant vegetable seedlings.  The crazy Georgia weather report showed a slight cold front and a lot of rain starting on Sunday afternoon.  Yes, I got all of my baby vegetable plants repotted and safely stored on the front porch out of the rain.  I consider my future garden a great method of exercise.

With the rain and wind blowing in, I began to stiffen up.  I knew it was coming and spent the remainder of the day in my warm fuzzy pants and t-shirt, wrapped in a blanket.  I should have broken out with the electric blanket and probably will before the day is over.

Does the weather affect your flares?  If so, do you notice the change more from hot to cold or cold to warm?  For me, it’s basically any change from season to season. Even barometric pressure changes can cause me to flare.  Hurricane season is fun too.

What do you do for your flares?  Personally, I like heat.  I’ll use heating pads, electric blankets and sometimes put my favorite blanket in the dryer to get it warm. Even in the summer, I will use a hand warmer at work when the air condition is too cold.

The weather is going to be nasty the rest of the week.  At my rheumy’s suggestion, I’m going to add to more moderate stretching and some walking to keep my muscles limbered up. Hopefully we will have warmer weather and no rain soon.  Until then, I’m going to try my best to stay warm and get this flare under control.

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