Friday, March 8, 2013

It's All a Bad Dream

House Cleaning Update

I have never been that great of a housekeeper, even before I was diagnosed with RAD.  Add some stiff joints, a non-bending right wrist, bummed left knee and general overall sorenes and keeping a slightly clean house becomes a nightmare.
When I first contracted RAD, I honestly thought I’d get a little chemo, take some magic pill and poof! Back to new.  Well, it hasn’t quite worked like that.  Rheumatoid Autoimmune Disease is a nightmare.  You know, that one you have over and over again.  Every. Single. Night.

Plus I have done exactly what my doctor told me not to do.  “Over do” it this week.  He said take it slow and build up your daily activities level.  Umm huh. He obviously doesn’t know how long I’ve neglected my house. 
My right wrist is killing me this morning and as soon as this post is up, I plan to wrap it in a heating pad for about 15-20 minutes.  I know when the pain gets to the “gnaw it off” stage I’ve gone a tick too far.  I was a bit overly optimistic on how much I could get done.  Sad face. Sigh.

Rheumie problem: I have sooo much left to do.  I am absolutely determined to mop the kitchen today.  Hoping that after heat therapy, I can get back on my list.  And I had planned to do some sweeping in the dining room and family room.  I literally could sweep this house daily.  An entire house of hardwood floors are not for us #rheumies. (Great twitter hash…have learned a lot this way.)
While doing all this cleaning I've realized that I need to work on  “re-learning” how to do some tasks with my left hand dominate, like mopping, sweeping and general wiping up around the kitchen.  I would also like to learn to use a knife with my left hand.  That could be interesting.  Hmmm…Might want to notify the ER on that one.

Also on the list, doing a little research on adaptive aids for plain old daily living.  I’ve figured out the teeth brushing with the left hand, but there are other activities like getting dressed, buttons, etc. that occasionally can be a problem.  And believe me, you want me dressed.  Every day.
So while I ponder adapting to being a leftie, it’s off to wrap this wrist and a rest break.  I’m even going to read a book recently given to me by a great lady, Mrs. Grace.  Maybe I'll take a 30 minute break.  Sounds great to me!


  1. Take care of yourself. The house can wait :-)


  2. thanks Gigi...but summer camping season is coming and I want to do some going this summer. I know Emma will keep y'all busy but wish you would come down here to cotton hill and camp for a long weekend. Kids in tent....ride the pontoon....fake some fishing....
